Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Camping, Swimming & Softball

I know, I know, another ball game, but we threw in some camping and swimming this time and it was lots of fun! This first picture is a bunch of us just getting to the ball game, as you can see there are the usual puddles!
And here are 3 of my 4 lovely daughters and 3 of my grandkids.

And lets not forgot who it is that gave us the reason to come over here for the weekend, Chris (9) and Dave (3). They didn't win this weekend but they sure gave it a good try!

Boy there is nothing like sitting on the beach with your feet in the water. These I think belong to Austyn, I was taking a lot of pictures, so they could really belong to just about anybody!

Luke wasn't sure about the water at first but after getting water up his nose more then once he actually seemed to get used to it!

Poor little Nash started getting sick after this day, fever and not wanting to eat anything. It took til today, Tuesday, to start feeling better.

And we can't forget Austyn who pulls off the princess look even in the water! I think she was born to be a princess, always in pink!

Peyton thought he would play football with Luke, not really sure who even has the ball here!

Lia and Peyton enjoying the beach.

Our camp site, once we finally got everything set up and if that wasn't an event! Friday night Randy and our son-in-law Dave took off early with the pop up for Dave, Courtney and their 5 kids and a pretty nice big tent for Randy and me. The tent we borrowed from our daughter Mallory and her husband, and Mal assured us that "yes all the tent poles are in there." Well the guys plan to get there early and get everything set up did not go as planned. No poles for the tent and Dave forgot the key to the camper, so what else could they do, make a fire and open up the cooler with beer! So I grabbed a tent from our place and Courtney grabbed the key to the camper and off we go to Rock Dam. Everything went pretty good til we tried to put our tent up. We have 3 tents and of course I grabbed the worst one, broken poles! We ended up all sleeping in the camper which luckily was very roomy. The next morning Dave made us all breakfast on his Traeger grill and of course the way this summer has been going, it decided to rain, thank goodness for the camper! Not too long after that we left for the ball game and met up with Mal and Chris who had all the poles for the big tent. So that night we had a nice big tent to sleep in and guess what? Thunderstorms all night! The tent really held up and we didn't get wet at all, I think everyone was probably tired from all the swimming and eating and we didn't hear a thing. The boys team didn't win but it was a really nice weekend, even with the occasional rain shower and Rock Dam is a really nice place to go camping.

1 comment:

  1. I thinkkkkk those may be Tayt's feet actually... but you're right, you can't really tell. Awesome pictures!
