Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Bieze Family Reunion!

We had a family reunion this past Saturday and it was lots of fun! Here is my brother, his wife Sarah and their 4 kids from Oregon! It was so great that they were able to come all that way and for all of them to be able to get together was quite a job too! If I remember right 2 of the kids had to fly in from the east coast and meet up with the rest of the family and then drive up from Chicago! Now that is some awesome planning and organizing!

Here we all our with my Uncle Ted in the middle.

And lots of milling around!
Here comes the gang from Oregon. They sure had a time getting here, sounds like they drove thru a bad storm and when they got close to their hotel they had a flat tire on their rental and had to wait for AAA to get there and fix it. But then they finally made it and it was so great to be able to visit with all of them!

Luke and Tayt taking a break from swimming.

Peyton sneaking in some eating in between swimming and playing catch.

Playing games and eating.

The whole bunch under our shelter.
And talk about food, there was way too much and it was all unbelievably good! Next reunion we will be figuring out a menu and everyone can pick one thing to bring. Then we won't have soooo much food. We all really hated to see any of it go to waste.



And more eating!

My brother Jerry and one of his boys Jacob.

My daughter Casey and Jerry's daughter Katie.

My cousin Peggy and her mom Aunt Pat.

My cousin Joyce, my sister Liz and sister-in-law Sarah.
My two brothers Dennis and Jerry.

Looking at old picture albums of my moms with pictures from my great grandparents.

Here is everyone leaving after a long day of visiting, eating, swimming and playing some games. I hope everyone had as good a time as my family did. Just a few places where people traveled from and I hope I am remembering everyone, Oregon, Illinois, Georgia, Wisconsin and the east coast! We visited with relatives I talk to every day and some I haven't seen since I was in my teens! Yikes, that was a long time ago! I sure hope everyone will be up to doing this every other year and we are hoping to go back to our original park Devils Lake State Park. If anyone has any suggestions or new and different ideas for our next one please write me, we would love to hear from everyone. So lets try to keep in touch and til next time, or hopefully next year at Casey's wedding reception, everyone take care and it was wonderful seeing everyone!

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