Monday, December 12, 2011

Xmas Tree Hunt!

 The weather yesterday was soooo gorgeous! Perfect for hunting down the perfect Xmas tree....well, almost perfect. I'm not sure if our family is all about the "perfect" tree as much as having a good time looking for one. Randy and I have always gone and cut down a tree since the girls were very young. It's getting harder every year for everyone to make it but whoever can meets up and off we go! Kids, dogs and adults!
Austyn pulling Drew, who was totally ok with being pulled around the whole time! Never a peep out of her!

Mal, Chris(on the ground) and Jax.

Luke and Jax

Mal and Jax

Drew bb


Austyn and Jax


Randy cutting ours down.

Mighty tree hunter!

Look carefully at this picture, Randy is carrying our tree, watch what he does with it!

The "tree" is attacking Megan! Right.....

Now Jax is going to help carry it.

Look carefully at Lia's face in this and the following pictures, she is pretending to go in slow motion, what a crazy girl!

Hilarious face!

All done and walking back.

Another paparazzi picture.

Mallory and Courtney all bundled up!

Megan and Luke

The moon was just beautiful coming up last night, thought I would try to get a picture but this is as good as I could get, still pretty tho!


  1. all these photos are great! and now I need to look through mine!!! :) love the faces of Lia... I sense a new blog idea... ;)

  2. Love all the photos! I don't remember getting a calllllll about this. Regardless of already havingggg a tree...I would have COME!;)
