Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Princess Austyn turns 6!

My beautiful granddaughter Austyn turns 6 today. Her norm is Princess dresses, crowns, princess movies and books and pretty much anything Princess. We all totally agree she will be famous some day performing in front of many! She is more comfortable in an outfit that is as outlandish as she can make it and totally uncomfortable in jeans and a t-shirt! "The other kids will stare at me grandma when I wear this", this is what I heard one day when I was walking her into school on a very rare day that she actually agreed to wear jeans and a t-shirt. She is completely comfortable in front of the whole school performing her pom pom show and even more at ease in front of the whole family singing! But please don't ask her to wear anything with a collar....those are only to be worn for camping! (I have no idea where that comes from but apparently it is pretty serious because she will not even try them on, dress or shirt!) So here is to Austyn who we all love and can't wait to see on the big stage...HAPPY 6TH BIRTHDAY AUSTYN!