Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Oliver, this cat is a huge pain in my butt, he is so arrogant and spoiled! As you can see from the pictures he absolutely refuses to look at the camera! I am pretty sure I am only annoying him! 
Ah yes, besides not looking at the camera he covers his eyes!
 Now we aren't even going to keep our eyes open, the flash must be bothering him, so I play with my settings and turn off the flash.
 Hmmm....maybe I'll just play with this thing in my face, still keeping eyes half closed.
Alright....I'm looking! But look how pissed he looks! Like....you are so annoying...I am trying to sleep!!!
Ok, that was as good as it gets! See what I mean, what a pain in the butt! Oliver is 6 years old. I saw an add in the paper to give away a pumpkin colored kitten and when we went down to see him, he was just tiny! An elderly man had caught him and a few other kittens in a live trap and was trying to find them homes. We took Oliver and his first visit to the vet found eye infections, respiratory infections, worms and I forget what else. He was just teeny and even the vet was amazed at how sick he was and still alive. Well 6 years later he rules the house! I'm really not sure if he realizes he's a cat. He plays with the dogs, fetches small stuffed animals and absolutely REFUSES to acknowledge "kitty kitty" If you want him for something you must say his name.
Oh and he's unbelievably picky about what he eats, must be fresh cat food every day or you get one of his looks and as you can see from the pictures he is not tiny anymore! So as you must have guessed by now I am extremely bored with winter, I am taking pictures of my cat for crying out loud! Must get out of house! Here's to Spring coming soon!

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  1. you forgot to explain how he hides from Luke all day... although, so do I ;)

  2. Ha! So true! I should have taken a picture of him hiding under the couch! I have to say that Luke and Isabel are the only things that cat is afraid of!

  3. Absolutly Loved this..........reminds me of Bubba and how he would not listen to me unless I used his name. BZ
