Thursday, October 6, 2016

Down on the Farm

Over Labor Day weekend our whole family (minus Chris, Mallory's husband-playing ball) managed to get away and attend my cousin and her husbands 50th wedding anniversary party. We all had a great time staying at their farm house. The kids all had a blast watching all the activity on the farm. And I'm pretty sure the main reason they had such a good time was because of my cousins son and his wife being totally hands on with all the kids on being in the barn, showing them everything and awesome rides on the tractor! And the party was so pretty, great fun visiting with relatives and eating wonderful food! (thank you Dave and Jacob) All in all it was one of the best weekends of the Summer! Thank you Ron and Joyce!

Casey and RockyP

Dave and Will

My cousins farm


John, Theo and Meg

Krista and Drew

Silly Lia

Boys playing ball

Ladies, Joyce to the left, Aunt Pat, Peggy, Roni and my sister Liz

I think they sat on this fence all afternoon watching the cows!

Aunt Vicki and Uncle Ted

I think they were fighting over Rocky lol!