Thursday, September 29, 2011

High Ground

Indian Memorial

A veteran who was kind enough to give us some history on this place. Completely funded by donations!

World War II

Leading up to the Wisconsin Veterans Memorial

Woman in the Military
A fuzzy picture but couldn't resists putting it in here. Pretty fitting that this eagle would be circling over head!

This building has no nails, it was put together completely by tenons and pegs.

High Ground Bell
Just a few pictures of the family Courtney was taking pictures of.

Climbing back up the hill and it was a steep one!

And this pretty little girl just came and sat down by me while her family was climbing that hill! Out of all the kids I think she enjoyed the picture taking the most!

Last Sunday Courtney asked me if I wanted to ride along with her and the kids to a place called High Ground about 30 minutes from us. She was getting together with some friends to take some family pictures and I had never been there before. It's one of those places we always drive by and should have stopped a long time ago. It's a memorial for war veterans and a very beautiful and interesting place. I think we will have to go back and check it out some more!

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