Friday, September 5, 2014

Random Photos of Summer

I've been really bad about posting lately. Seems like Summer has just flew by and Fall is determined to take over! Here are just a few miscellaneous pictures from this past Summer. Looking over these pictures makes me realize just how much we DID do this Summer and there is still beautiful Fall weather to enjoy!

Backyard birthday parties!

Wonderful weekend up north in a gorgeous cabin visiting with awesome family!


Walking around downtown Eau Claire with Lia and Homer....waiting on the tattoo girls!

Watching the grandkids play at Cherokee Park (Meg)





Austyn at her gymnastics class

Pretty Mondeau

Trip to Nashville-need to go back!

Beautiful wedding with new friends!

And a very over due visit with one of my very favorite people! And this trip we will also be doing again!!


  1. OH man mom...loving these photos!!! And I need you to email me the close-up of Homer!!!:)

  2. these are amazing. all of them. I will never tire of looking at your photos!
