
Friday, January 8, 2016

Birthdays and Broken Computers

I hate my laptop....I'm sure a lot of people can relate to that! I'm sure it's more my problem then the computers seeing how I spend months watching it get slower and slower......and slower! Til finally all I can do is move the cursor!!!! BAAAHHHH!!!! So in my mind there is something awful wrong with it , no one can fix it, it's going to take LOTS of money to fix it!!!! I finally take it in and of course $68.00 and a few hours later the techs have fixed it! Argh!!! I am seriously so dumb when it comes to these things but the receptionist assured me their techs are "wicked smart with puters" Pretty sure she was just trying to make me feel better! But either way I have my laptop back and it's WORKING!!!!  So here are some random pictures of Tayt's birthday, Randy's birthday and a few more. Hope every one's enjoying 2016 so far!

Above and below are most recent pictures of Tayt

Mr. Quarterback-love watching the boys play!

Baby Rocky Peyton

Randy with his girls-from left to right Mallory, Casey, Randy, Megan and Courtney

Some random pictures from Fall


  1. I hope you're keeping a folder of potential Photos for us to choose from for Xmas this year! Cause I love the Fall photos! SO pretty:) And now I want another babyyyyyyyy. Rocky's old:(

    1. lol! agreed! glad the computers back. keep those photos comin!
