
Monday, January 28, 2013

1,2,3 & 4 /52

Two of my daughters have started taking a "picture of the week" and I thought I would join the fun. I'm hoping this will get me off my butt the rest of the Winter and get me out to walk more. During the Summer I walk at least an hour every day and this Winter has gotten me close to being a couch potato, not good! So now I need to play catch up because I am behind! So these next 4 pictures I took this past week and 2 of them I was actually outside, one was from my window of my jeep (I had the window down so I think that counts for kind of being outside) and one I stuck my head out my door-it was early-early in Wisconsin is REALLY cold!So wish me luck, hopefully I can keep this up til Spring, then it'll be great to be walking again!

I should thank Courtney for this one, she called and woke me up or I would have never seen it! And yes, this one was from the patio door! Brrrr!

This one I was playing with my flash at night while it was snowing, it caught the snowflakes pretty good.

Out of the window of my jeep--open window that is!

Hope everyone is having a wonderful Winter!!


  1. SUPER NICE shots :) love the cropping/arrangement of the first shot especially. And very cool that you're doing the photo challenge too! :)

  2. Thanks Neen! I don't do any adjusting with my pictures, I don't have photo shop or anything on my puter. I'd like to get it someday tho, sure would be nice to learn more about editing!

  3. LOVE these. Seriously! I've learned everything (almost) I know about my camera from you... I like to do the framing of my photos from the get-go so I don't have to crop later. SO much easier! can't wait to see more!

  4. also... #7201 to get my last comment to publish. funny!

  5. awesome pics mom! And great motivation to get OUTSIDE!!;) You're a natural. Not many can take pics that awesome without editing:):) 72. Nice:)

  6. Thanks so much you guys! And love to see that #72! Always here! :)

  7. BEAUTIFUL masterpeices. You capture the moment and thats what is so awesome. Want to see many more... If you ever want to go for a walk, please call I could be in with you... Julie
