
Monday, December 31, 2012

Happy 6th Birthday Tayt

Happy Birthday to the sweetest little boy around! This little guy has more power then most of us can handle and you ALL know what I'm talking about! I can remember standing in Courtney's kitchen a few years back while she was scolding him for something. He looked up at us with those big brown eyes(which he can magically make even bigger) and a pouty face and we found ourselves almost tearing up and forgiving him for whatever he had done.....and possibly anything he may be thinking of doing! I remember Courtney looking at me and saying "Oh my gosh, I can't get after him!" Yup, going to be trouble. This young man is wise beyond his years, quiet, thoughtful and just an all around awesome kid! I used to love taking him to preschool. All the little girls soon recognized me as "Tayt's grandma" which only meant, "TAYT'S HERE, TAYT'S HERE" We love you T-bug, hope you have a wonderful birthday!

                                               Yup....go ahead....try to say no to this face!!!!


  1. Perfectly said!:) Love that boy:)

  2. Yes it was perfectly said Laurie. What a honey he is. Gotta Love him no matter what!!! :) Gramma Smith
