
Monday, December 3, 2012

Christmas Parade

When our girls were little we used to go to the local Xmas parade every year. Well this weekend Mal said they were going and I realized we hadn't gone in a long time!!!! So I thought we would go and see if things had changed, well "we" turned into me riding along with Casey. I asked Randy if he wanted to go and I get a "no thanks, I'm good." Hey, what happened to all that old enthusiasm when the kids were little?!?! Nothing.....I went with Casey! It was a pretty warm night for the parade, I can remember past years when it was so cold we didn't make it to seeing Santa at the end, but this night was pretty good. a little damp but the temperature was on the warm side. We got an excellent spot right along the street and met up with Mal and Chris with the boys. And we waited.....and waited....and waited! Ok, the creepy clowns were all out but it was taking forever for the floats and when they finally started coming down the street there was so much room in between each one it was ridicules! It's a beautiful parade but whoever is in charge of it needs to do a little bit better job spacing. So here are a few pictures of the floats, it was a pretty dreary night but the kids loved it and loved seeing Santa at the end!

Foggy night

Wouldn't be a Wisconsin parade without the Packers


My favorite!!!

Casey was actually cringing when Luke got a hug from one of the clowns!

Homer was not impressed with the parade


Until next year!!!!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad we went, especially lucked out with the good weather! Dad's a freaking bum! And those clowns can go to HELL!!!!;)
