
Sunday, December 23, 2012


I'm getting way behind on my posts and with Xmas a couple days away it's going to get worse! Time slips away so fast! Or maybe it just seems that way when you start getting older.....hmmmm...something to think about! But on to basketball, maybe that's why I feel time going too fast! When you have seen the following pictures please comment on who this man child reminds you of!!! When I was taking the pictures I didn't think of it too much but when I started looking through them I had to stop and breath a me he looks exactly like his dad out there playing ball, the way he looks and the way he moves. Our boy is growing up way too fast. Love you P!


He's very good at stealing the ball!

He actually got this one and ran it down for a basket!


  1. SO freaking proud of this young man! For real. He's the best!!:)

  2. he's getting so good...the best to watch!
