
Thursday, October 25, 2012

Happy Birthday Lia!!!

Lia (our oldest granddaughter) turned 10 yesterday! Courtney surprised her by taking her out of school early so we could take her shopping. I'm afraid she doesn't take after her aunts because we weren't even through the first store and she was tired of shopping! But she said she had a great time and got a bunch of nice things, so here is a very Happy Birthday to Lia!!!! We all love you soooo much!!!!

Lia with new baby sister Meg

This is what I normally get when I ask her for a smile!!

She looks so grown up here! :(


  1. she's getting too old. make it stop :)

  2. Laurie, she is such a beautiful young lady and I couldnt be more proud to be one of her grandmothers. Isn't it such a crazy feeling, but more impotantly, isn't it thr best feeling ever. Lover them all.

  3. Scares me how much she's growing! She sure is one beautiful girl. :)
