
Monday, May 7, 2012

Megans House

Our daughter Megan bought her first house! YEAH!!!! Wait......don't get too excited, it's been empty for 18 months, but it is really cute and has great potential and has a fantastic yard! If I remember right it is right around 2 acres(Meg will correct me if I'm wrong) and has a large variety of trees! Flowering ones, big ones, small ones, you name she's got it. Randy and Meg and their helper Jose have been very busy since the first of February pretty much gutting it and starting over. Hopefully you can see from the pictures just how far this little house has come!

First picture in Feb. Front of house.

Back of house to the north.

Back of house to the west and south.


Another front picture.

Attached garage that will become the living room.

Spare room which will be laundry room/office and leads into new door for bathroom.

Looking into kitchen from garage/living room area.

Hallway going into master bedroom.




Kitchen looking towards garage/living room.
New cement floor for living room.

All new roof, new windows, new patio door leading into hallway by master bedroom. Love the overhang Randy built for a covered patio area! Oh and this is the back of the house on the south side.

Front and north side of house, new windows all around. No more garage door, beautiful big window instead!

North and west side of house. Notice the piece to the left, Randy completely tore off the roof  and replaced it at a different pitch and was then able to put larger windows in. Love it!

New living room, was the attached garage.

Looking into kitchen from new living room. Bedroom on the right.

View from corner of kitchen looking into dining area and bedroom on the right.

View from master bedroom looking thru the hall(patio door on right going out into the overhang) all the way thru the kitchen and towards the living room.

View from dining area into what will be the kitchen.

New living room.

Very hard to see but this will be the new bathroom.

View from living room looking into laundry/office, kitchen will be on the right.

Sorry if this is a bit confusing, it's a bit hard to see some of the rooms right now but I will keep posting updates. This week they are hoping to start hanging drywall so it will be changing looks again! Stay tuned for more updates on Randy's latest project!


  1. Oh My ! Tons of space..congrats to Meg...and keep us updated......

  2. Wow!! I can't wait to see the final product. This is awesome!

  3. We stopped last night and it looks like the inside of a marshmellow with all the insulation in now:) -mz-
