Monday, May 16, 2011

Amana Colonies!

The board's on the sides of the buildings had grape vines crawling up them.

He's giving me that "come on, I'm not waiting for you" look!
 Randy and I took a quick trip to Marshalltown, Iowa this past weekend for a graduation party. Kind of on the way, a little bit south of our route, we stopped at a place called the Amana Colonies. It is a very interesting and beautiful place. A gorgeous valley and wonderful shops where the people hand make everything. There are wine shops, jewelery, chocolate,furniture, a woolen shop and on and on. I hope you can see from the pictures what a beautiful little place this is and please look it up online because there are bed and breakfasts there to stay at and it is a really great place for a weekend getaway. We are definitely planning on going back so we can really check things out more thoroughly. Here is the website,


  1. Looks like a place we should met for a nice (needed) day ! I am heading to the web site now.

  2. Now THAT sounds like an awsome idea!!! Just name the day and us girls will be there! :)

  3. Looks like a really great place! Thanks for sharing! :)
