
Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Look Who's 5 Today!

I know I say this all the time but WHERE DOES THE TIME GO????? How did this kid get to be 5 and going to preschool? This little boy is going to be sooo interesting to watch when he grows up. He is THE most energetic, driven, competitive kid I have ever known! As a very wise Amish woman said to me a couple of years ago at my garage sale while I was dragging Luke kicking and screaming away from the road because he wanted to "GO BY MYSELF!" ..... "If you can direct all that energy in the RIGHT direction that little boy will be quite successful one day!" All I was thinking at the time was ...You want him? Bring him back when he IS successful! But she is right, of all my grand kids Luke is by far the biggest handful but we all need to see his positive side and that is how he NEVER gives up, he is always trying his hardest and on his good days which are much more than we give him credit for, he is the sweetest most polite, caring little boy who loves all his cousins so so much. So a huge happy birthday Lukey, we love you!!!!


  1. yup, teared me up there! and wow does he ever look like Chris in that second photo (running)!

  2. Yup, scarey how much he looks like his dad!

  3. I'm with Courts. You had me in tears. Best description of our little L:)
