
Tuesday, November 20, 2012

First Deer!

Peyton got his first deer first time out hunting with Randy! WOOHOO!! Sorry to those who don't like deer hunting but here in Wisconsin it's a big deal. Randy went to hunter safety with Peyton this last summer so that he could start hunting with grandpa. This kid has been collecting every type of toy gun since as far back as I can remember.  He started going with Randy bow hunting, but as all of you hunters can relate, Randy came home complaining about him! "Peyton is so noisy! And he never sits still and he wants to play games on my phone! I just don't think he's going to be able to go hunting!" Wow! Who sounds like the little kid here?!?! Haha! But all kidding aside Peyton was pretty pumped to go with grandpa and he did an awesome job! Congrats P, your first deer!

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