
Thursday, May 24, 2012


Courtney, Casey and I have been taking a photography class once a week for the last 6 weeks. Tonight is our last night, or I should say Courts and my last night, Casey hasn't been going the last few weeks, something about a baby! Just kidding of course! But we have had so much fun and have learned so much more, can't wait for her to have some more classes this Fall! Here are a few of my favorites that I've taken for homework that she has given us each week. These last 6 weeks have gone by so fast, can't hardly believe it! If there is anyone out there in our area who is interested in taking her class this fall just let me know and I will be more than happy to give you her email.

This is from the first week, she really pushed us to set our cameras in total manual, a bit scary but once we started it was addicting! I've never really used my camera in auto but 90 % of the time have it in aperture priority, picking the size of the lens opening and letting the camera pick the rest. Her teaching us to use our cameras in manual really stretched us to learn all the settings and how to use them with each other. Fantastic!

Casey and Jacob. Learning exposure. I over exposed on purpose, just enough to keep the details! Not what everyone likes but fun!

A little over exposure again.

Shutter speeds and stopping motion, another fun one! Like Connie said "Like magic!"

Composition, leading lines and the color pink!

Working on composition-thirds.

Using available light instead of a flash. Baby Homer is just out of the bright sunlight of Casey's windows but in enough natural light.

Composition and sun flare.

Composition and the color green-Peyton has green eyes.
And composition using fifths. I've heard of thirds but never fifths, very cool!

I love pictures and photography and this class has been a blast! Thank you Connie for being such an excellent and completely fun teacher! Looking forward to this Fall!


  1. And you are such a good student ! Keep it up !

  2. loving every one of these! nice job, mom :)

  3. Thanks ladies! Can't wait to go to some more classes this Fall!

  4. Fabulous photos!! I'd say which ones are my favorites, but I love them all! :) Sounds like a neat class!

  5. ditto for me! Great jobs! I'm a huge fan of the 'fifths' shots :) love the negative space :)
