
Sunday, December 29, 2013

Christmas Programs and Christmas Eve

I decided to split up the pictures for Xmas, just way too many. Christmas Eve at Randy's family has been a tradition forever. We were talking on the way over and realized, even when the weather was bad, we have never missed Xmas Eve with the Zimmerman side....ever! And this year there are around 50 of us! A huge THANK YOU to Randy's sister who has taken over hosting it for everyone. It's always a fantastic time, lots of laughs and tons of great food!


Drew with beautiful Christmas village in the background

Meg after one of the trees


Megan and Jax

Casey, Jacob and Homer


Pam the Elf, she went all out this year!

Game of trying to pop a balloon in between adult and kid! Love their faces!

More games!

Zoey helping Uncle Randy draw!

                                                             Christmas Programs



Austyn the star!

Peyton in the middle with the top hat on

Lia with the red flower in her hair


We had another wonderful Christmas! Randy and I talked over the holidays about how lucky and blessed we are with our family! It's this time of year when so many have to travel so far just to spend a few days/hours with their loved ones! We feel soooo lucky to be able to see all of our loved ones on a daily basis! Here's to another wonderful year and hoping 2014 finds everyone healthy and happy!!!

50,51,52/52 photo challenge

Sorry for the cheating and putting the last few weeks together but it seems like since Thanksgiving the weeks have turned into one! Really don't know where the time goes but it's going way too fast! But as Lia and I decided if time keeps going a little too fast right now we are ok with it.....just until Spring. So here are some pictures of me playing catch-up!

                                                         Thanksgiving at my sisters
Meg under my sisters butcher block at Thanksgiving




Beautiful view out my sisters front window!


                                                 Christmas day at Casey and Jacobs
Checking out the calendars I made them


Courtney checking out her gifts in her stocking, this year her dad helped with the gifts, notice the screwdriver! LOL!

Tayt a little unhappy

After dinner, nap time!
Lots of snow up this year!

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

49/52 photo challenge

I know this really isn't a photo challenge but I just had to post this wonderful Xmas present from my sister-in-law and brother in Oregon! I've been following Pioneer Woman for a long time and have her other cookbooks, she is just so fun and has such great recipes! I can't thank Sarah enough, what a great surprise!!! Thanks again Sarah, LOVE LOVE LOVE it! oh, and thank jerry too, lol!

48/52 photo challenge



                                                        Pictures from my iPhone.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013


3 years old already for this sassy little girl! She has definitely earned her nickname....ask her her name and she says "WOWDY" Happy Birthday pretty girl, sorry I'm a day late!